Details From the Sixth 3C Forum at UKH

May 25, 2022

The University of Kurdistan Hewlêr (UKH) with its partners from Opening Universities for Refugees (OUR), The Centre for Asia Pacific Refugee Studies  (CAPRS), Empower, and UNHCR just concluded the sixth 3C Forum which was held in UKH.

Participants from refugee communities in Erbil, Duhok, and Sulaymaniyah actively participated in the unconference format during the forum. Participants put forward challenges surrounding their access to higher education in the region and discussed the main questions around them. Issues such as language barriers, access to scholarships and funding, and degree equalization were some of the main topics of dialogue. They also recommended solutions to address those challenges through collaboration from civil society, higher education institutions, as well as the governments.

At the end of the forum, actions plans – which were discussed during the dialogue were shared. Collaboration between actors was highlighted as an important step towards achieving the action plans.

Such collaborative initiatives not only helps the KRG to positively contribute to the global crises and play its role, but it also contributes to establishing its academic diplomacy and engagement internationally.