Dissertations and Theses
Local Dissertations and Theses
The University Library is proud to make accessible its bachelor, master and doctorate dissertations and theses held (written by staff and students). External users will only have access to the abstracts and bibliographic record.
Hard copy dissertations and theses are available in the library for ‘Reference’ use. Unless there is more than one copy, then borrowing of second and subsequent copies is permitted. Staff items, where we hold them, are catalogued and shelved according to the relevant awarding body. Dissertations from the Kurdistan region are all shelved together at 378.5672 in order of their departmental subject and then the author’s last name.
UKH Dissertations/theses style guide
All dissertations and theses produce by UKH students and/or staff should follow the style guide approved by UKH Postgraduate Board. This is to ensure quality and consistency of output coming from the university. The following thesis/dissertation presentation guideline and thesis/dissertation template will help you in writing your dissertation/thesis.
International Dissertations and Theses
If you wish to search for dissertations and theses from elsewhere in the world might we suggest you start with the following sites:
DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who provide global access to European research theses through a single European.
Ethos is a UK wide dissertation database run by the British Library which requires that you register before you can download any full text item. There are over 400,000 dissertations listed but not all are available free of charge.
London School of Economics PHD theses
OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1000 colleges, universities and research institutions.
Princeton Doctoral dissertations
Trove: the site of the National Library of Australia also allows access to dissertations and thesis.