Social Media Guidelines
The library recognises the importance of the internet in shaping public thinking about our University and our services, employees, partners and customers. We also recognise the importance of our staff and students joining in and helping shape conversation and direction through interaction in social media.
Hence the need for this statement which should be used by all staff and students while operating in the library or on behalf of the library. It is designed to assist them in making appropriate decisions about the use of social media such as blogs, wikis, social networking websites, podcasts, forums, message boards, or comments on web-articles, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Pinterest.
It outlines the standards required when using social media, the circumstances in which we will monitor usage and the action we will take in respect of breaches of this statement. It supplements the ‘University of Kurdistan Hewlêr (UKH) Code of Ethics and Conduct’ and Information Technology (IT) Administration’s policy. This statement does not form part of any contract of employment and it may be amended at any time.
- All staff are:
- Expected to:
- Protect the privacy, confidentiality, and interests of the university, services, employees, partners, customers and suppliers
- To take the time to read and understand it
- Be aware that activity on social media websites during office hours should complement and/or support role and should be used in moderation
- Be aware that any content published will be public for many years
- Be aware that any breach of this statement may be dealt with under the ‘UKH Code of Ethics and Conduct’ and its associated disciplinary procedures. In serious cases, the breach may be treated as gross misconduct leading to summary dismissal
- Responsible for their own compliance with this statement and for ensuring that it is consistently applied
- To report any suspected form of social media harassment or bullying, such as being offended by material posted or uploaded onto a social media website. Inform the Director/Deputy Director, HR and/or the Security Officer
- Expected to report any breach of this statement to the Director
- Expected to:
- The Director of the Library has overall responsibility. This includes:
- Monitoring and reviewing the operation of this statement and making recommendations for changes to minimise risk to library and university operations
- Answering questions regarding the content or application of this statement
- Assigning member/s of the library team to post material on a social media website in the University name and on behalf of the University
- Reserving the right to withdraw permission to social media on a case by case basis – Access is a privilege and not a right and it must neither be abused nor overused
- Monitoring and, where breaches are found, acting in accordance with UKH disciplinary procedures
- Restricting or preventing access to certain social media websites if personal use is considered excessive. Monitoring is only carried out to the extent permitted, or as required, by law and as necessary and justifiable for business purposes
- Personal use of social media sites is permitted on incidental use under certain conditions.
3.1. They are:
- Use must be minimal and take place substantially out of normal working hours (during lunch and break times)
- Use must not breach any of the rules set out in this statement
- Use must not interfere with business or office commitments
- Use must comply with all UKH policies including Human Rights, Data Protection and ‘UKH Code of Ethics and Conduct’ and disciplinary procedures. Usage must also not breach the national or regional Kurdistan government criminal legislation
3.2. As a personal user you may not:
- Upload, post, forward or post a link to any abusive, obscene, discriminatory, harassing, derogatory or defamatory content
- Disclose commercially sensitive, private or confidential information. If you are unsure whether the information you wish to share falls within one of these categories, you should discuss this with the Director
- Upload, post or forward any content belonging to a third party unless you have that third party’s recorded consent.
- Post, upload, forward or post a link to chain mail, junk mail, cartoons, jokes or gossip
- Discuss colleagues, competitors, customers or suppliers with third parties without their prior approval
3.3. As a personal user you may interact on social media websites about industry developments and regulatory issues. These include (a) Face book, (b) LinkedIn (c) Twitter and (d) Pinterest. This list may be updated by the IT Admin Department/Deputy Director of the Library.
For further information please contact:
Director of Library
Lesley A T Gaj, MCILIP, BA
E-mail: [email protected]
Social Policy Template – Beachcroft LLP at