Sexual Harassment: What you need to know

7 years ago

On Monday, March 5, 2018, the 2nd day of IWD and under the theme of "On Monday, March 5, 2018, the 2nd day of IWD and under the theme of "Sexual Harassment: What you need to know", a panel discussion was held.", a panel discussion was held. The event started with introducing the three speakers Mr. Ranj, Ms. Ivana and Ms Bahar. They outlined the meaning of Sexual Harassment from the international perspective, what constitutes it and how to prevent it. They described different types of Sexual Harassment such as visual, verbal and physical and how women consistently get sexually harassed more than men. After the panels presentations there were numerous questions from the attendees. They covered ways to prevent sexual harassment and how to spread awareness against this issue through seminars, workshops and at institutes also how it is one of the most common forms violence in every community and how to stand up for one's personal rights. 

#IWD #Pressfroprogress