BSc in Business and Management (Marketing)

Four years $3,000 per academic year


UKH’s four-year Marketing degree is based on real-world research. You’ll learn advanced marketing techniques and be prepared for your career from the moment you graduate. As part of this degree, you will develop practical marketing management skills, explore consumer psychology and learn the scientific laws of brand growth. Employers value graduates who can apply theory to real industry challenges. In this degree you’ll have the opportunity to gain real-world experience through internships, placements, and visits to major companies operating in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. This degree equips students with the skills and knowledge to compete in today’s digital era.

Admission Requirements

  • High School Diploma: High school certificate attained within the last five years and have obtained a high school average score of 60% or above.
  • English Language Proficiency: Minimum English Language entry level is 40 in PTE, 5.0 in IELTS 52, in ibt-TOEFL or 85 in Duolingo. and progression required English score is 45 in PTE, 5.5 in IELTS, 64 in ibt-TOEFL or 95 in Duolingo.
  • Equalized transcript is required for students who have graduated from international institutions.
  • Note! Applicants dismissed for any reason from any university, school or college will not be considered.

  • Application Form: Online application is required.
  • Official transcripts: Provide a copy of your official transcript (for applicants who graduated from international institutions, an equalized transcript is required).
  • Certification Letter from High School: Provide an official letter from your High School Confirming your High School Average.
  • A copy of your Passport/ID.
  • One passport size photo.


The BSc in Business and Marketing degree starts with core courses in business. These will give you a solid grasp of business fundamentals such as international business, economics, accounting and business intelligence. In your marketing specialization you’ll then focus on such areas as consumer behaviour, marketing analytics, advertising, and brand management.

School of Management and Economics (SME), 2024-25 AY

UG Programmes – Business and Management (General, HRM and Marketing):


Year-Sem Module code Module title (General) (HRM) (Marketing)
  SME101 Principles of Management X X X
  SME102 Academic and Employability Skills X X X
  SME103 Quantitative Methods in Business X X X
  EF101 Principles of Marketing X X X
  SME104 Fundamentals of Accounting X X X
  BBM101 Principles of Economics X X X
  BBM201 People and Work Culture X X X
  SME201 Introduction to Finance and FinTech X X X
  ELEC 1:      
  HRM201 / MKT201 Employment Relations / Consumer Behaviour X
  HRM201 Employment Relations   X
  MKT201 Consumer Behaviour   X
  SME202 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business X X X
  SME203 Commercial Law of Iraq X X X
  ELEC 2:  
  HRM202 / MKT202 Business Ethics and Sustainability /

Sales Management and Personal Selling

  HRM202 Business Ethics and Sustainability   X
  MKT202 Sales Management and Personal Selling   X
BBM301 Entrepreneurship and Innovation X X X
SME301 Managing Operations and Services in Industry 4.0 X X X
  ELEC 3:  
HRM301 / MKT301 Iraqi Labour Law / Relationship Marketing X
HRM301 Iraqi Labour Law X
MKT301 Relationship Marketing X
SME303 International Business X X X
BBM302 Tourism and Hospitality Management X X X
  ELEC 4:  
HRM302 / MKT302 Human Resource Development / Digital Marketing X
HRM302 Human Resource Development   X
MKT302 Digital Marketing   X
SME401 Leadership and Change Management X X X
SME402 Research Methods X X X
  ELEC 5:  
HRM401 / MKT401 Performance Management / Strategic Marketing X
HRM401 Performance Management   X
MKT401 Strategic Marketing X
SME403 Strategic Management X X X
SME404 Applied Research Methods X X X
  ELEC 6:
HRM402 / MKT402 International HRM / International Marketing X
HRM402 International HRM X
MKT402 International Marketing X

Skills Development

Our quality teaching and experiences beyond the classroom will ensure you graduate career ready. Our graduates can work as: account managers, brand managers, business development managers, fundraising and development officers, market researchers, social media analysts, and sales and marketing managers.